Old apartment and big news | Jerez, Spain

It's been over a month since we left Jerez and I still can't believe it! I had started to pack the house for the move and I figured I would take a few photos to remember it and to share with you! There are a few things missing that had already been packed, but you get the idea.

The big news is: We didn't move to Madrid! (Maybe you got that from my social media...) Well, what happened was, 2 days before we moved we got a call from Fernando's work (military) saying he had been assigned to Cartagena instead of Madrid. We had a big change of plans, but we know these things can happen in his line of work. So, now were in Cartagena and ALMOST settled into out new apartment. I'll share some photos when it's done!

Sara xx

Ya hemos pasado mas que un mes desde que hemos ido de Jerez. No puedo creerlo! Empece empaquetar cuando pense que deberia tomar unas fotos para recuerdos y tambien para mostraros! Hay algunas cosas que ya he puesto en cajas, pero bueno, teneis la idea de la casa.

La noticia grande es: No estamos viviendo en Madrid! (Quizas lo habeis notado por las redes...) Bueno,  que ha pasado es que 2 dias antes que tuvimos trasladarnos recibimos una llamada desde el trabajo de Fernando (es militar) diciendo que estaba asignado a Cartagena en cambio por Madrid. Tuvimos un gran cambio de planes, pero sabemos que estas cosas pueden pasar en su linea de trabajo. Pues ahora estamos viviendo en Cartagena y estamos CASI terminados haciendo la casa. Voy a compartir las fotos cuando esta lista!

Sara xx

Photos by : Me

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