Portside | Cartagena, Spain

I have some exciting news! I've been lucky enough to be able to fit in a trip to Canada in my work schedule! As I mentioned before, we are in between semesters so I'm going to take the opportunity to head home for a visit. I'll be in Windsor from February 1st-12th and I'm absolutely thrilled about it! Let's hope it's not too cold, though...

This look is showcasing a seriously awesome pair of shoes from Esarsi. The combination of both the quality and design of their shoes never ceases to amaze me. The heel detail of these oxfords is so original and intricate. It's a new take on their iconic pair from last year (I'm obsessed, take a look). Definite must-have for any shoe lover!


Tengo buenas noticias! Tengo la suerte tener un rato sin trabajar asi que puedo ir a Canada! Como os dije, estamos entre cuatrimestres en la universidad, pues voy a coger la oportunidad de visitar mi pais. Estare en Windsor del 1-12 de febrero. Espero que no haga mucho frio...

Este look esta showcasing un par de zapatos increbiles de Esarsi. La combinacion de ambos, la calidad y el diseno nunca para de sorprenderme. El detalle del tacon es muy original. Es un modelo nuevo de su par famoso del ultimo ano (miradlo, estoy obsesionada). Son un must-have para cualquier amante de zapatos!

Photos by : Fernando

Shoes - Esarsi
Dress - Asos
Jacket - Mango
Purse - Chanel
Hat - H&M

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