Valentine's Day | Lintgen, Luxembourg

Happy Valentine's Day! I hope you're having a great day spent with your loved ones. I say loved ones because I don't think Valentine's Day should only be about romantic love. Of course I'll be spending today with my husband, but I also decided to celebrate with a new friend who has become quite close to me - Nadia! Here are some shots taken before we headed off for a nice dinner to celebrate over the weekend.


Feliz dia de San Valentin! Espero que esteis bien y con gente querida. Digo gente querida porque creo que el San Valentin no tiene que ser solamente por el amor romántico. Por supuesto he pasare hoy con mi marido, pero también decidí celebrar con una amiga nueva quien se ha convertido a una persona muy cerca de mi - Nadia! Aquí hay algunas fotos tomadas antes de una cena.

Shoes - Forever 21
Stockings - Calzedonia
Dress - BCBG (similar)
Belt - Boutique in Italy (similar)
Necklace - Shourouk
Purse - Chanel

Shoes - Miu Miu
Dress - Tara Jarmon
Belt - BCBG
Purse - Shangai Tang

Balloons thanks to: Oh Happy Day Luxembourg

Photos by : Fernando

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